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We sell hospital-grade Spectra pumps and spare parts, highly recommended for boosting milk supply, supplementing breastfeeding, and supporting moms returning to work. Spectra pumps are personally used and approved by our practice owner, Maxine. We also offer pumping demos, giving you the chance to trial the pumps before purchasing. If you'd like to claim through medical aid, we can assist with checking your benefits and submitting claims on your behalf. Contact us to learn more!
We sell hospital-grade Spectra pumps and spare parts, highly recommended for boosting milk supply, supplementing breastfeeding, and supporting moms returning to work. Spectra pumps are personally used and approved by our practice owner, Maxine. We also offer pumping demos, giving you the chance to trial the pumps before purchasing. If you'd like to claim through medical aid, we can assist with checking your benefits and submitting claims on your behalf. Contact us to learn more!…
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